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4 Clinical Reviews Show Cost Of Infections Are Highest In USA

Deep Sternal Wound Infections Cost Money And Lifes

Cost of Deep Sternal Wound Infections are high, as reported in various clinical trials.

VIRGINIA, USA: Authors: Speir et al

  • Title Additive Costs of Postoperative Complications for Isolated Coronary Artery Bypass Crafting Patients in Virginia. The study was published in the Annals of Thoracic Surgery: 2009; 88:40.46 Reported Average Additional Cost was 62.773,00 USD / patient

HANNOVER, GERMANY: Authors: Graf et al

  • Titel: Economic aspects of deep sternal wound infections. The study was public in the European Journal of Cardio Thoracic Surgery: 2010: 37: 893-896 Reported Average Additional Cost was 36.261,00 EUR / patient

PENNSYLVANIA, USA: Authors: Hollenbeak et al.

  • Titel: The Clinical and Economic Impact of Deep Chest Surgical Site Infections Following Coronary Artery Bypass Craft Surgery. Published in CHEST: 2000; 118; 397.400 Reported Average Additional Cost was 60.773,00 USD / patient

CLEVELAND; USA: Authors: Loop et al.

  • Titel: Sternal wound complications after isolated coronary artery-bypass grafting: Early and late mortality, morbidity, and cost of care. Published in the Annals of Thoracic Surgery: 1990: 49:179 187 Reported Average Additional Cost was 58,092,00 USD / patient

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