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Painkillers Slow The Healing Process

It’s A Matter Of Scientific Record. But What’s The Solution?

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)—such as ibuprofen, naproxen, and high-dose aspirin—can slow the healing process, studies show, particularly in the case of bone fractures.

Considering that the success of open-heart surgery is largely dependent on the postoperative period of convalescence, complications during this period can result in high rates of morbidity and mortality.

To get to the heart, cardiovascular surgeons must saw the breastbone (sternum) in half and open up the rib cage.

This type of procedure, called a median sternotomy, has the highest success rate because the surgeon is given full access to all the thoracic organs.

After the operation, the two halves of the breastbone are tied together with thin wire so they can knit. Ensuring stability of this bone during the healing phase is of the utmost importance.

Because the breastbone is often in motion, the sooner the two halves knit, the lower the risk of a deep sternal wound as a result of the two halves splitting apart. This is a highly common cause of postoperative complications.

Diabetics are particularly at risk because their bodies tend to heal slower than non-diabetics. Time is the enemy and adding time to the convalescence period can literally lead to death.

NSAIDs add time to the healing phase.

But what is the solution for patients who are in pain after an operation of this magnitude?

Multiple independent medical studies have confirmed that the use of the Posthorax support vest after open-heart surgery reduces pain during convalescence, and therefore reduces the patient’s need for pain medication that could hinder the body’s natural healing process.

The faster the sternum heals completely, the less chances there are of serious postoperative complications that require reoperation.

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